Green House session #2

Recorded May 28th 2020, 06.18 am, +8° Celsius

Music, performance, video and photo: Lene Grenager

Birds on the recording

rødstrupe - robin - erithacus rubecula

rødstrupe - robin - erithacus rubecula

svarthvit fluesnapper - european pied flycatcher - ficedula hypoleuca

svarthvit fluesnapper - european pied flycatcher - ficedula hypoleuca

kråke - hooded crow - corvus cornix

kråke - hooded crow - corvus cornix

gransanger - chiffchaff - phylloscopus collybita

gransanger - chiffchaff - phylloscopus collybita

blåmeis - blue tit - cyanistes caeruleus

blåmeis - blue tit - cyanistes caeruleus